Month to MonthPay as you go and get full access to all our classes available throughout the week. Please visit our schedule page for hours and days. $100 Registration Fee.
Pay 1 Year Full (10% Discount)Pay 1 Full year and receive a 10% discount over the month to month plan ($1500). With this plan, you get full access to all our classes available throughout the week.
Please visit our schedule page for hours and days. $100 registration Fee Waived. |
Month to Month 2x WeekThis budget friendly plan allows you access to the gym 2x per week. Please visit our schedule page for times and days. $100 Registration Fee.
Pay 1 Year Full 2x Week (10% Discount)Pay 1 Full year and receive a 10% discount over the month to month plan ($1200). This budget friendly plan allows you access to the gym 2x per week. Please visit our schedule page for times and days. $100 registration Fee Waived.
KIDS CLASS (Ages 5 - 14) Starting July 16th
Month to Month 3x WeekThis budget friendly plan allows kids ages 5-14. You'll have access to the gym 3x per week. Please visit our schedule page for times and days. $100 Registration Fee.
Pay 1 Year Full 3x Week (15% Discount)
Pay 1 Full year and receive a 15% discount over the month to month plan ($1380). This budget friendly plan allows kids ages 5-14 years access to the gym 3x per week. Please visit our schedule page for times and days. $100 registration Fee Waived.